Quote of the day

“András Pető had an indomitable will to heal and this end would be achieved by no matter how hard everyone involved should have to work to achieve this. The moral force of this will was transmitted down through his institute […]

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Quote of the day

The teaching of movements, functions, physical, emotional, psychological and cognitive skills are taught throughout the day in carefully designed daily programmes.  They naturally fit in with the rhythm of life. This way they become meaningful for the children as they live […]

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Quote of the day

In our curriculum learning the ABC is as important as learning to look down to our feet so to know where to position them to be able to stand and step, to reach and grasp, to hold a pencil and […]

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Quote of the day

We always look for what abilities the person already has as a foundation for finding ways to develop further functions and skills. That doesn’t mean that we ignore the affected limbs or side of the body.

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