There are far too many people’s lives just passing them by, where they feel isolated, alone, with some even in despair, not knowing what to do and how to move forward with a neurological diagnosis.
Perhaps you are looking for meaningful guidance for yourself or to understand how best to contribute to the life of your loved one.
If you, or someone you care about has a neurologically based dysfunction and would like to achieve more independence, mobility, health and wellness, then we would like to help.
We have a distinctive insight into the worldwide development of neuro-rehabilitation services and the evolution of conductive education outside the Pető Institute.
To share with you proven strategies on how to overcome challenges and obstacles to create your best quality everyday life
To be the force to upend people’s expectations in neuro-rehabilitation
To influence the evolution of perception about disability and human potential
To turn 21st Century expectation of neurorehabilitation on its head
Dear Reader
A warm welcome to you on your path of transforming your life and the life of people around you.
I am a pedagogue and an advocate for empowering individuals, their families, and professionals to move beyond the labels of diagnosis, into a life of greater fulfilment, independence, personal freedom, and purpose, more than they ever imagined possible.
I am excited to share with you ways that have presented breakthroughs for hundreds and thousands of people around the world, leading them to create a more fulfilling lifestyle. Moving them beyond the diagnosis and its prognosis into greater levels of enjoyment, independence, health, wellness, and fulfilment.
It is my mission to help you to know and understand WHAT must be done if you would like to live with more freedom and have a better quality of life than you are experiencing now.
What CAN be done and WHY, so you can learn the HOW.
I will share with you strategies and formulas to fill a life-enhancing gap in education, therapy, and care for children and adults with neurological conditions.
My ultimate aim has always been to create and carry on with the WORK that has an overriding message and purpose and points out to something larger than itself…
I am here to signpost and encourage mastery of functioning using movement pedagogy, upbringing, life management, health, and well-being from the point of diagnosis along with mentoring and guiding carers, professionals, and basically everyone.
Thank you for visiting, a warm welcome to you, and my fullhearted admiration for your commitment to taking You and Your Life to the next level.
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- Untapped potentials hiding in plain site
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"Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with such passion"
"With great appreciation for the wealth of knowledge you offer us and for the inspiration you give us as well as a dedication you share"
"You have given us so much and helped us to carry on with the magic which he created to continue to transform our school"
"Platinum quality service."
"Just want you to know that you have changed my whole teaching philosophy, can’t wait to get started back to work on Monday to implement all of the ideas"
"Inspiring and supportive. It has increased my energy to follow my belief and desire for children to succeed"
" Ecstatic doesn't even come close to how I'm feeling right now. My beautiful hard working Ottie has just managed to walk UNAIDED, no holding on to anything no sticks nothing, up a flight of stairs during another busy Sunday morning session. So so proud of my little man. Big huge thank you to all you guys. Without u I don't know what he would be doing now. Finding you was a special gift ♥♥"
"I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. After one session I can get out of bed on my own and I don’t need to wake up my husband any more to help me to take care of me in the middle of the night."
My boy is doing things that we've never seen him do before because of you all!