– Everybody has given up on me, even my own mother. This is the only place that believes in me.

It was 10 years ago on one of those Saturday mornings when we work with school-age children.

Weekends are the only times when the children are free to attend our classes.

I was teaching a boy walking in the parallel bars while the others were walking outside in the garden.

It was a sunny morning and a beautiful dragonfly flew into the room bouncing the sunshine of its amazing colours. Circled around in the air a few times before leaving the room.


The boy looked at me and started sobbing. I didn’t understand. 

Before I could ask him, he said to me.

– Everybody has given up on me, even my own mother. This is the only place that believes in me. You don’t know how hard it is for me to keep going between our sessions.

I knelt down and looked at him, he put his head on my shoulder as his tears were flooding his eyes.

He whispered. – I sometimes think about giving up on myself.



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