Life force can not be restrained by a diagnosis

Life force is about ongoing evolution, growth, adaptation, adjustment, repair, healing and striving towards balance, health and wellness. Our life force is incredibly powerful, even supporting damaged cells to grow. Ultimately, how we choose to harness this life force determines […]

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Summer Retreat 2023

♥  a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self  ♥   We are very excited about welcoming attendees  on our 11th Annual Conductive Education Retreat. Our annual […]

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Untapped potential hiding in plain site

Shifting from “What I am getting” to “What I am becoming.” The most gratifying aspect of my daily work is witnessing children thrive and grow stronger with each passing day as I collaborate with families who have chosen to embark […]

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Why not? Szathmáry. J (2010)

Why not? Szathmáry. J (2010) Chapter One   He looked at me as he comfortably sat down on the big armchair next to the large sash window.   ‘Why not? What can you lose? Now that you know what you […]

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My writing journey 5

For me waking up in the very early hours of the morning is one of the best parts of living. Everything is so fresh and new as the sunlight gently brings awareness to our senses. A new opportunity to connect […]

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My writing journey 4

Write what should not be forgotten When you run your private practice you never lose focus on maintaining and constantly improving your standards while ensuring the smooth functioning of all angles of services both in front and behind the scenes. […]

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